About Us

Our Journey 

The journey of Innovate Consultancy Services began in 2017 with Theresa Da Silva and Helen Phillips. We had worked together for over 12 years leading a case management service. This service was closed as our employer chose not to proceed into the competitive market of NDIS and self-managed packages in Aged Care. We both have a background of case management, working with people from birth through all their life milestones. We are experienced in working with people with disability, older people, carers and families, supporting people experiencing mental illness, homelessness, as well as hoarding and squalor to name a few.

Our passion and commitment in working with people who have complex care needs inspired us to continue in the sector. So, with this in mind we embraced the opportunity and created Innovate, a company to support you to discover possibilities, create new opportunities and achieve your goals.

Innovate continues it’s journey, however in early 2025 Helen made the decision to retire as a Director. It’s important to acknowledge the time, energy and passion Helen has dedicated to Innovate and the significant contributions she has made to the people she has supported as well as Innovate. The journey now continues with Theresa as the sole Director and her continued focus on delivering quality supports.


Meet Our Team

Theresa Da Silva

Theresa’s passion is supporting people to achieve their potential. Theresa has over 20 years’ experience working in the community care sector, starting at the grass roots as a support worker then moving into case management and onto leadership roles. Theresa has a range of qualifications in education and training, person centred planning, case management and quality management systems. Theresa draws on her knowledge and experience to facilitate innovative, flexible and quality supports. She is energetic, facilitates vibrant training sessions and enjoys working collaboratively.

Qualifications: Bachelor Education (Habilitation), Diploma Quality Auditing, Certificate 4 Training and Assessment, Regional Assessment Services Home Support Assessor.




Judy Foord

Judy has over 30 years’ experience in administration, budgeting, accounting and customer service in the disability and aged care sectors. She is committed to providing a quality service and dependability in completing projects accurately and on time. Judy acts as a liaison, providing information, answering questions, and resolves any emerging problems that our clients’ accounts might face, to help keep Innovates accounts section running smoothly.

Qualification: Master of Management Degree in Community Management, Diploma in Welfare and Internal Auditing


Our Vision

Vision: All people have opportunities to discover, create and achieve a meaningful life.

Our Purpose

 Innovate will:

  • Work in partnership to provide information and options
  • Deliver flexibility in planning and training solutions
  • Build capacity through strengthening skills and exploring new opportunities
  • Create change through support and advocacy

Our Values:

Be Dynamic – Strong lives are motivated by dynamic purposes (Kenneth Hildebrand)

Have Integrity – Is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching (C.S.Lewis)

Show Responsibility – You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself (Jim Rohn)

Foster Collaboration – Sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people. (Elizabeth Green)

Embrace change as a constant - The only constant in life is change (Heraclitus)

Strategic Plan Summary 2025 - 2026


NDIS Provider # 405 003 0713